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Something’s smashing up the city. And by the looks of it (and the voiceover accent) we’re not talking London. This is New Yoik, baby! And judging by Colin Farrell’s hair, 1920s New York at that.
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“There are strange things going on all over the city,” says the voiceover man. Not least, it would seem, Dobby’s great-grandad working in some sort of textile factory…
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First seriously cool special effects alert! To be honest, we’re not really sure what’s going on here exactly, but this looks like a proper J.K.R. touch, and so we approve.
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“Yesterday, a wizard entered New York with a case. A case full
of magical creatures.” That’s no ordinary wizard, love – that’s Stephen bloody Hawking (AKA Eddie Redmayne)!
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Aha! Finally, the plot. So it seems the magical creatures have all escaped from the case and our heroes have, to borrow a phrase, gotta catch ’em all. Think Pokémon Go with added wizards.
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Finally: the money shot. This solitary second of the trailer alone, featuring the name of the world’s most famous author, will add a good £10million to the box office takings.
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Back to the plot. Suddenly there are magical beings everywhere, scaring the bejesus out of the local muggles. And this one sure as hell ain’t no Jigglypuff.
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But don’t worry! Because just as you begin to wonder about the whole weird similarity to Pokémon Go, up pops a wand straight from Hogwarts’ broom cupboard. It’s going to be alright, kids…
Now, watch the trailer in full here…